Unit 1-P6

Pitcure 1.png

To start with the user would first have to have gone to the file and select it by double-clicking.

Pitcure 2.png

There is a welcome message that will appear then the user will have to press enter to go to the next page.


Once the user has pressed enter he will come to the next page where he will be asked for the city names of the city their rainfall where he will have to type them up the amount of cities being 10.


By any number in this case the number being 3 I calculate the range of the website of course other numbers can provide the user with different solutions that may range from median to mode; After pressing that the user is presented with the choice of whether he like to continue or not if we press N.


Now that the user pressed N he would exit but had he pressed Y then the program would continue to keep on looping redoing the median mode and range of the program.


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